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Dave Buckingham9 Feb 2016 - 08:00
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18 year old Ronnie Heather has spoken about his first team debut in the fine 4 - 1 home win at the weekend over Great Wakering Rovers. Ronnie who

commitment, great attitude and consitency has started to pay off as it is starting to get noticed
- Ronnie Heather

played an Under 18's game just two days before his first team debut was clearly delighted at his call up telling the Official website ''I really enjoyed getting a call up for the first team Saturday, I enjoyed it all from the warm up to coming on during the game.''

With the Club on a rollercoaster ride towards the play offs, Heather got the call from the gaffer James Webster from the first team just 24 hours before the Great Wakering game and Heather hasn't been fazed by his chance. On receiving the call from James Webster asking him to be involved, Ronnie said '' I was so chuffed and it just shows that hard work does pay off''

Manager Webster brought the youngster on with just under twenty minutes to play with the team already leading 4 - 1 which was some comfort to Heather, ''It did make me feel a little more relaxed coming on knowing the boys were already in front comfortably but even if we were losing or drawing I would still of come on buzzing and gave it my all''

Ronnie believes that his ''commitment, great attitude and consitency has started to pay off as it is starting to get noticed and this was shown Friday when Webster (James Webster, First Team Manager) asked me if I wanted to play Saturday''

With so much attention now turning to inhouse development of home grown talent at Clubs these days, Regent are no different and Heather had a positive message for his team mates in the 18's team for those eyeing up a future first team place, ''My message towards the other Under 18's would be to keep working hard, show great attitude and determination and to never give up. Take any chance given such as playing in the reserves or maybe even playing a different role on the pitch as being a player that will try anything looks good on you and will also give the coaches good things to say about you''

The rest of the first team clearly embraced a new face in their midsts at the weekend as Ronnie said that he was made to feel ''welcome on and off the pitch'' and the ''spirit in the team was very high and I noticed that from the moment I stepped in the changing rooms, the boys were all buzzing for the game and the music blaring''

So will Ronnie Heather be involved in a thrilling promotion push with the first team as the season draws towards it's climax?, he could well be but either way he has wished the players ''the best of luck on making the play offs and hopefully getting promotion as the boys are quality players''

Further reading